A 94-year-old man asked the authorities for help.

On Christmas Day, an elderly man approached the carabinieri for assistance. The call alerted law enforcement personnel, who went to the victim’s home right away.

An elderly man requested the assistance of the Christmas carabinieri.

The 94-year-old, who lives in Bologna, Italy, has spent Christmas alone. To alleviate his loneliness, the man called the carabinieri and explained that the only thing he was lacking was the company of someone with whom to smash a Christmas glass.

As he explained to the carabinieri, Malavolti Fiorenzo was lonely during the winter holidays and the only thing left for him to do was turn to the authorities for some company. The phone conversation was tense. The carabinieri, moved by the old man’s call, went to his residence and, after sharing a drink with him, assisted him in calling his distant relatives.

– Good day. My name is Malavolti Fiorenzo, and I am 94 years old. I live alone. I’m not missing anything; all I’m missing is someone with whom to share a Christmas glass. Allow a soldier to come for 10 minutes if you have one available because I’m lonely. My children live a long distance away, and I’m 94 years old and depressed.

– Can you tell me where you live? Okay, we’ll dispatch someone. Ok? I extend my greetings to you.

A volunteer organization assisted a man in ending his Christmas loneliness.

The winter holiday season is a time of year when getting together with family and friends is a must. Regrettably, not everyone has the opportunity to share their joy with those they care about. This is especially true for the elderly, who often find themselves in very gloomy and terrible situations.

Terence, a 78-year-old Briton who has spent the last 20 Christmases alone, experienced the same thing. Terrence’s fortunes have improved thanks to his volunteer work with Age UK.

Nancy, a 90-year-old woman with dementia, was introduced to them by the group, which assists the elderly in finding care and support. The man chose to have Christmas dinner with her, although he was still alone. The tale reached the BBC, namely the producers of the BBC Breakfast show, who wanted to interview the 78-year-old to spread the word about his story.

Terrence received a really memorable Christmas from presenter Dan Walker, who not only shared his tale with him but also planned everything for him, including a surprise gift to create the perfect Christmas ambiance. The man received a fully decked Christmas tree thanks to the efforts of Oldham College students. At the sight of so many generous gestures, Terrence couldn’t keep back his tears.