A future mother in the United Kingdom noticed that her abdomen was enlarged more than usual, so she went to the doctor for a pregnancy test, and he confirmed that she was expecting.
Of course, she and her husband were overjoyed with the news and couldn’t wait to hold their newborns.
Because they didn’t have much money, the girl didn’t have any specialized check-ups to see how the pregnancy was going, but she did her best to eat as well as she could and gave up all of her vices.
The young woman experienced terrible abdominal pain during the eighth month of her “pregnancy,” when her belly appeared to be larger than usual. She went to the hospital in an emergency since she didn’t want to lose her kid.
After multiple tests and analyses, physicians informed her that she did not have a baby in her womb, but rather a massive tumor weighing no less than 4.9 kilograms.
Fortunately, the girl was uninjured during a difficult operation, but she now can’t handle the thought that the baby she was expecting never existed.