Every day, this deer visits an elderly woman who lives alone

When I see a deer, some people imagine it as a beautiful trophy, but for this elderly lady from Aurland, Norway, the presence of the animal was a sign of hope. At age 81 and after her husband’s death, Mette Kvam thought she would spend the rest of her days alone in her secluded mountain home. Instead, despite the forced loneliness, Mette began to receive an unexpected visitor: every day, a deer approaches the window of her house. A very special friendship was born between the two.

Experts generally recommend that we never approach deer or deer. Although they are magnificent creatures and appear to be gentle, they can significantly injure a person. But for Mette, the warning didn’t matter much. To a widow, living in a house surrounded only by snow – what does she care about the possible risks? Seeing the deer with its impressive horns, she couldn’t help but fall in love with him. To her, she was not a wild and dangerous animal, but an extremely gentle being.

So one day the woman decided to feed him…

Mette took a piece of bread and went out the window, waiting for the deer. When he arrived, the animal began to lengthen its neck to reach the window from which the lady handed him the piece of bread. The animal was not afraid and took the piece of bread straight from Mette’s hand, slowly and delicately.

If you get to feed a deer every day, you have to give it at least one name, and the woman chose to call it Flippen. After the first meeting, she wasn’t sure if the deer would return to her… but it turned out that her fears were not justified.

Every day, Flippen approaches Metta’s window and waits for his favorite food. In fact, from the first moment, the deer returned to visit the woman not once, but twice a day. During a hike in the mountains, another woman named Britt managed to capture with her cell phone the wonderful interaction between Mette and her best “friend.”

Today, she no longer feels alone and loves to receive Flippen’s daily visits… what a wonderful friendship!