Fans Share Deep Concern for Jessica Simpson

In 2019, Jessica Simpson and her husband, former NFL tight end Eric Johnson, welcomed their third child, a daughter they called Birdie. She has been outspoken about her 100-pound weight reduction and five-year abstinence from drugs and alcohol in the three years since, which has alarmed and alarmed many of her followers.

When Simpson collaborated with Pottery Barn Kids in an Instagram video, which she posted to her account on November 3, their anxiety only increased. The 42-year-old mother displayed her three-year-old daughter’s room, which was decorated and furnished by Pottery Barn Kids, in the video, which is completely innocent.

While some fans praised the space, the bulk of responses criticized her for looking’sick’ and ‘frail’, pointing to her sunken eyes, slurred speech, difficulty to concentrate, uncomfortable behavior, and weight loss that appeared to have topped 100 pounds. The worried onlookers begged her to get assistance.

In her 2020 memoir Open Book, Simpson first discussed her drug and alcohol addictions; in addition, she for the first time acknowledged that she had experienced sexual abuse as a child. She described in the book how, despite “killing myself with all the drinking and medications,” she finally became sober in 2017.


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After giving birth to Birdie two years later, she began to lose weight. She noted that the largest difference she made was improving her diet and “eating habits.” She celebrated her weight loss accomplishment by sharing a picture of herself in a bikini on Instagram in April 2022. Fans began to become very concerned at that point.

Regarding the Pottery Barn Kids video, there were a lot of what some users referred to as harsh criticisms and others called to as worried supporters in the comments area. Blink twice if you need help, one user advised the artist, while another questioned whether they were the only ones who had observed the singer’s slurred speech.

It wasn’t entirely bad. In fact, a few Simpson supporters defended her. Can we make it customary to refrain from bringing up the bodies, faces, or appearances of others? No matter what she does, she receives criticism, one user remarked. Another user wanted people would be “kinder,” adding that it is really none of their concern.


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Jessica Simpson didn’t explicitly respond to the comments, but it seems she has read them or has at least been made aware of the criticism she received for her Pottery Barn Kids video. A few days after publishing the video, on November 7, Simpson shared another video of herself singing a song she had recorded.

She said in a very detailed caption that she was in the studio because it is a place where she can heal. She wrote in the caption, “As much as I have learnt to tune out damaging noise, people’s words and assessments may still hurt profoundly with their constant nagging “you will never be good enough.”

“I am capable of doing pretty much anything if I set my mind to it. I am right here. I feel quite inspired. I will not give up. I am sincere. I’m a people person,” she concluded. “Everyone has days when they wish they could be, look, act, and feel better. I can assure you that no one is experiencing that feeling by themselves.

She continued by saying she wouldn’t give up on herself just because another person was. Her decision to remain loyal to herself is motivated by the fact that it has “worked for me in this tumultuous life thus far.” Nothing and no one will be able to take my delight away. You might be close, but it belongs to me. She concluded the caption, “And yours should be too.