Here is who received Michael Jackson’s whole wealth upon his passing.

Michael Jackson was known as the King of Pop, and in 2009, after years of scandal, he passed away from a massive cardiac incident that was determined to be the result of a combination of drugs that had been prescribed to him by his personal physician. The cause of Michael Jackson’s death was determined to be a combination of drugs that had been prescribed to him by his personal physician.

Determining the value of his resemblance and image was required as part of the process of settling his estate, and it was at this step that the challenges arose. The estate of Michael Jackson asserted that after the controversies and the documentaries that revisited the events of the Neverland claims, the value of Jackson’s image had significantly decreased. It was a fact that the estate relied on to prove just how destructive the claims had been, and how much it had hurt Jackson’s overall net worth. During the years leading up to his death, Jackson did not make any money off of his image.

The exact value of the estate wasn’t determined until 2021, when a court judgement established that it was worth $111 million, which was significantly less than the initial estimate of $482 million. According to the Associated Press, which was cited in USA Today, Michael Jackson’s mother and his three children were the sole beneficiaries of his inheritance.

The final appraisal was reportedly the last obstacle, according to the Associated Press, and there had been over a dozen of them up to this point. 13 years after his death, the estate was eventually settled, and there were a number of projects in the works to try to rehabilitate the image of the King of Pop, including a show in Las Vegas and a musical on Broadway.