John Goodman Demonstrates a 200-lb Weight Loss and Looks Unrecognizable

John Goodman has the appearance of being ten years younger! At a recent event that took place on the red carpet, the celebrity was seen for the first time since his spectacular weight loss.

On Monday, Goodman was seen in Los Angeles for the Freak Brothers experience at Fred Segal, where he was photographed…


It was here where admirers were left startled by his weight loss of 200 pounds, and it’s no surprise at all after glancing at the images how much weight he lost.

Continue scrolling to see evidence for yourself…


Now, Goodman is most known for his role as the humorous family man Dan Conner, which he played for all nine seasons of the ABC sitcom Roseanne…


Because of his endearing performance in 1993, he was awarded the Golden Globe for finest actor in that year.


Since then, the actor has been in a great number of films in Hollywood during the course of his nearly four decades long career. Some of these films include The Big Lebowski, The Borrowers, and Argo, to name just a few.

There is no denying the fact that his seemingly distinctive stature has had a significant influence on the roles he has played over the course of his career.


When Goodman was promoting his movie 10 Cloverfield Lane back in 2016, he gave an interview to ABC News in which he admitted: “I just grew weary, sick, and tired of looking at myself.”


In addition to this, I will say that “I was just eating all the time. Simply put, I was eating while intoxicated.


“In the past, I would give myself a break for three months, drop sixty or seventy pounds, and then reward myself with a six-pack of marijuana or whatever else, and then I would just go back to my previous routines.”


On the other hand, it would appear that Goodman has made some changes to his ways, since his performance as the voice of Fat Freddy Freekowski in the animated series The Freak Brothers has demonstrated what diligence and perseverance can actually do…

As he walked out on stage, everyone saw a completely different person.


Take a peek at the before and after pictures below…


What a remarkable accomplishment this is!